Fusion:AIR | 2021

Peter Gate | Marian Zamfirescu
[THE CELL] • Installation • Painting on circular canvas with acrylic compounds, diameter of 50 cm • Video projection [duration: 3.00 min].
Author: Peter Gate
Scientific collaborators: dr. Marian Zamfirescu, drd. Cristina Elena Staicu, dr. Florin Jipa | National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics

Ciprian Ciuclea | Gina Isar
ARCHEOLOGY OF THE INVISIBLE • Video projection, 50 sec., soundless, loop • Video, 2 screens, 14 min. and 1 min. 40 sec., soundless, loop; 2×ultra giclee print on Aluco, 70×40 cm each • 2×silver photography, drawing, 20×30cm each • Photo montage, silver paper, 50×40 cm • 2×silver photography, 18×22cm each.
Author: Ciprian Ciuclea
Scientific collaborator: dr. Gina Isar | Institute of Space Science

Floriama Candea | Ionuț Enculescu
IMplant • interactive installation • Extracellular matrix [ECM] of vegetal tissues obtained via decellularization process, used as a scaffold for growing living cells • Extracellular matrix [ECM] of vegetal tissues obtained via decellularization process, implanted with artificial nanostructures that allow their movement under certain stimuli [muscular leaves] • Artificial replicas of some vegetal tissues implanted with artificial nanostructures, which allow their movement under certain stimuli. [Soft- Phytomorphic robots].
Author: Floriama Candea
Scientific collaborators: dr. Adrian Enache, drd. Luminita Radulescu, dr. Mihaela Beregoi, drd. Mihaela Bunea, dr. Ionut Enculescu | National Institute of Materials Physics

Aura Bălănescu | Elena Badea
MANUSPECTRUM • Interactive installation with tactile stimuli and multi-channel video-audio effects
Author: Aura Bălănescu
Scientific collaborators: dr. Elena Badea, drd. Iulia Caniola, msc. Simona Păunescu, msc. Emanuel Hadîmbu | National Research-Development Institute for Textiles and Leather