FUSION:AIR | Unexpected (RE)solutions: How the process drives the outcome


FUSION:AIR | Unexpected (RE)solutions: How the process drives the outcome | EXPO

→ Qolony and MNȚRplusC invite you on Thursday, September 1, 2022, at 18:00 for the opening of the exhibition

Fusion:AIR - artistic residencies in research institutes is one of the most important Qolony projects. It is aiming to promote the inclusion of artists in innovation and research activities.

The exhibition opening will be attended by the four Fusion:AIR resident artists: Dorin Cucicov, Livia Greaca, Marina Oprea, and Marius Jurca, as well as scientists from the four partner research institutes: Marius Echim - Institute of Space Sciences, Elena Badea - Research Institute for Textiles and Leather, Victor Diculescu - National Institute for Research and Development in Physics of Materials, and Bogdana Mitu - National Institute for Research and Development in Physics of Lasers, Plasmas, and Radiations.

“Unexpected (RE)solutions - How the process drives the outcome,” the theme proposed for 2022, brings to the forefront the working processes underlying artistic and scientific creativity and the methods employed in workshop and laboratory practices. The ideas, their formation, and how they are constructed and represented are the result of often repetitive, sometimes spontaneous but never accidental practices or methods. We propose identifying techniques that migrate between the two disciplines, characteristics found at the core of both types of processes, and moments that lead to changes in the research process, forming the foundation for collaborative practice between art and science. (Floriama CÂNDEA, curator of the exhibition).

What you will see:


Interactive installation allowing you to create your own aurora borealis. Created by Dorin Cucicov during the residency at the Institute of Space Sciences, where he worked with Dr. Marius Echim, Mitherrella invites the audience to navigate and feed a machine learning algorithm that digitally generates imagined auroras. Mitherrella maps how information migrates between reality and fiction, objectivity of scientific observations, and subjectivity of their representation, and how they enter collective memory.


Livia Greaca explores the scientific imagery of pigments and synthetic dyes through a series of iterated objects. Her textile sculptures, inspired by the microscopic structures of the material world, offer a vision of reality where the boundaries between objectivity and imagination are hard to trace. Created during the residency with Dr. Elena Badea at the National Institute for Research and Development in Textiles and Leather, Chroma presents the microscopic aspect of pigments, the image generation process, and how they are indexed. Her work investigates the symbolic nature of these types of images and how they communicate, by convention.


Marina Oprea’s interactive installation refers to the interdependence of natural systems, imagining a speculative scenario where the material and virtual worlds have a natural relationship of exchange and communication, influencing each other. Alongside Dr. Bogdana Mitu, a researcher at the National Institute for Research and Development in Physics of Lasers, Plasmas, and Radiations, Marina Oprea explored how plasma influences the materiality and texture of epoxy and polymeric resins. Intracluster Sprouts presents the results of this research, an analogy between plasma and the complex network of mycelium, both with properties to perceptually or concretely alter the surrounding world.


Marius Jurca’s series of works, including SenzSkin, FiberWow, and FiberStream, investigate the relationships formed between signals, measurable parameters of matter, and the materials themselves. Reactive materials to temperature variations, chemical changes, or human presence provide the artist with both data and the raw material with which he aesthetically operates in this work.

WHEN: → September 1 – 10, 2022 | 15:00 - 18:00


CURATORS: Floriama Cândea & Andrei Tudose

The National Institute for Research and Development in LaserPlasma, and Radiation Physics
The Institute of Space Science
The National Institute for Research and Development in Materials Physics
The National Institute for Research and Development in Textiles and Leather.


Cultural project co-funded by The Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN). The project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.