A Creative Trip to The Danube Delta


A Creative Trip to The Danube Delta

→ from 3th to 9th of June 2024

What role can art play when it encounters wild, beautiful areas such as wetlands? What can we learn from such complex ecosystems and their human and non-human inhabitants? What types of cultural and artistic projects can be produced in balance with nature, science, and local communities?

Qolony was proud to host a diverse team of artists, scientists, cultural managers, and educators for a creative trip and work session in the Danube Delta, Romania. Clara Boj & Diego Diaz (LALALAB), Aurelien Krieger (Obsolete Studio), Violeta Vasilieva (ARTSHARE), and Ioana Vreme Moser joined the Qolony team to meet tradition keepers, and slow tourism promoters such as Muzeul Ivan Patzaichin and scientists from the National Research and Development Institute in the Danube Delta for a week of explorative research. Together, they explored and tried to understand the Danube Delta habitats and the complex changes in this environment marked by human impact, global warming, farming, or depopulation. Their curiosity, questions, and experiences were discussed in a day of work sessions and presentations at the Mila23 Community Innovation Center. Additionally, they visited several localities, immersing themselves in a natural environment rich in significance and biodiversity.

A Creative Trip To Danube Delta

The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI)


Obsolete Studio ARTSHARE - intelligence, technology, art QuoArtis- Art & Science Foundation